Joe George has mastered live shows and unforgettable studio recordings, while captivating the hearts of fans and audience members. At the age of 18, imigrated to Australia where we formed a showband, soon we were playing seven nights a week in pubs and clubs and we were very popular around Sydney.
After a while we were approached by an agent to go and play during the war of Vietnam to entertain the soldiers. We done an average of two shows a day playing from Saigon to the border of Cambodia and back and that lasted 3 months.
We finished our tour doing another 3 months in Thailand and Sinapore. I met my lovely wife Diane we had 4 children, Michelle, Wayne, Richard and Danny. My kids had a very good year, in 2014, when they were ambassadors for Malta in the Eurovision song festival, with the band FIRELIGHT singing 'COMING HOME' (written by son Richard) They all have a talent in their own right, and I would love to do a concert with them with all our original songs.
I thought my festival days were over but singing the song with my son Richard has to be another highlight of my life and a special one, especially because the song is called 'SONG FOR DAD'