Making Money Selling Music

Posted at 00:00 on 22nd January 2023 by Joe George in Music Business


Making money selling music is something I always wanted to do. I learned how to record my own songs, and being a retired musician, I could put more time into learning all about using my Ableton Daw it took me a long time to master it enough for me to make some rough recordings, but as time went by I got better and better. I learned how to use plug ins and Ableton gives you everything you need to produce and master your own music from beginning to end.

I also use Landre Mastering which is a great way for me to correct and refine my mixing, eg: bass too loud or too much compression on an instrument etc. then I go back
and perfect it all.

I started reading all about Music Libraries and I found a great website called MusicLibrary Report to learn from the experts who make a very good living from selling their
Music for Films, ,TV, Commercials etc.

My technology experience is getting better, and where I get stuck I go on You Tube and problem solved. I love creating music and helping others with their songwriting and offer to help produce for them the best way I can to make them sound great for radio play.

I make money by selling my instrumentals to Music Libraries, Films, TV. Discovery, Video Games, Commercials etc... and I am always searching for music
supervisors and Sync agents, who might use my music on a film or TV.

I promised myself I will never give up.

There are a lot of gifted musicians out there and my advice to them is, if they want to make money, have faith in your music and follow your dream and see what Music
Libraries are looking for.

Apart from sending my music to Non Exclusive Libraries I also created a Tune Bud website (who are professional people to work with) for my own music library:

Good luck and if one works hard and records something everyday you will achieve your dream like I did at my age and I am loving it.

Music is great and you can make it, if you never give up.

If you want to leave your contacts on my website that will be great. Having a music library website where I can help other musicians make money.

Leave me a comment on my website: http:/

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